DATE:    August 26, 2024


TO:        Badminton Canada Board of Directors

President/Chairperson - Member Associations


FROM: Erik Nilsson, President

Bryan R. Merrett, Executive Director








This document serves as the official notice for the Badminton Canada 2024 AGM, to be held virtually on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00pm EST.


As per Badminton Canada's by-laws, one representative from each Member Association will

hold the voting rights for that Association.


If the representative attending the AGM is not the President or Chairperson of the Member

Association, a signed proxy form must be sent to the National Office by Thursday, September 19, 2024

indicating who the representative will be.


Member Associations are requested to provide the National Office a summary annual report for

the AGM package by September 12, 2024. Attached for your use is a report template should

you need it, otherwise Associations may provide the information in the format as wished. It is

expected that Member Associations include within their reporting, an audited financial

statement for the 2023/24 fiscal year as we would like to make the AGM package as complete

as possible for your review well in advance of the meeting.


Should any Member Association wish to propose general motions for consideration at the AGM

complete the attached motion form, attach a short rationale for the motion and forward it to

the National Office to be received no later than September 8, 2024.


It is Badminton Canada’s intention to send all documentation pertaining to this year’s Annual

General Meeting by electronic means only to Provincial/Territorial Presidents and office staff on

September 18, 2024. There will be no hard copies provided to Members.

All Members will be responsible to print the documentation prior to the meeting and bring said documentation with them to the meeting.


The Badminton Canada Board looks forward to hosting you virtually. Please feel free to

contact Bryan R. Merrett at the Ottawa Office at (613) 518-1501 extension 2083 should you require further

information. See you in September!


Supporting Docs:

AMM - 2024 - Member Association Report Form

AMM - 2024 - Motion Form Bilingual

AMM - 2024 - Agenda

AMM - 2024 - Proxy Form 2024

AMM - 2024 - Supplemental information