General Competition Regulations Memo


General Competition Regulations Memo

New General Competition Regulations for the 2024-2025 season. 

Dear Badminton Canada Members,

We would like to introduce some changes that have been made to the 2024-2025 Badminton Canada National Tournament Circuit. In addition, we encourage all members to read the July 2024 General Competitions Regulations document thoroughly prior to participating in a National Tournament to familiarize yourself with the new updates to  tournament regulations for events under the responsibility of Badminton Canada that will be released later this summer.


  1. Addition of a Junior Super Series
  • This season will include the addition of 3 Junior Super Series events. The goal of this Junior Super Series is it provide a higher level of competition to the top ranked junior athletes in Canada. These tournaments will have
    • Smaller draws sizes
    • Merit based entry
    • Higher ranking points
    • Higher level of delivery


  1. Merit-based entry into all Junior Elite Series events.
  • Entry to National events will no longer be first come first serve.
  • All entries will be seeded and the top ranked athletes according to the Junior Seeding regulations will be accepted into the main draw (draw sizes vary according to courts available at each event).
  • Consolation draws will only be available if time and space allows, and priority will be given to entry above consolation draws.


These changes follow the recommendations for age and stage of development for players and will contribute to a reduction in overall administration for events.  Changing the tournament system will improve and streamline services we offer participants. We thank you for embracing these changes which we believe will elevate the quality of events for athletes across Canada.


The updated 2024-25 Tournament Calendar will be posted on by July 25, 2024.


Have a great season!


Maxine Gauthier

Manager, Events and Programs

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